We get to make a living; we give to make a life


We get to make a living; we give to make a life.  

Winston Churchill

It’s Giving Season! You know, that time of year when we think about holidays when we get presents! Pumpkin Spice Lattés have been flowing for a while and the neighbors’ houses are glowing with holiday lights and decorations. Soon the Salvation Army Red Buckets will start to appear outside our favorite stores and piles of letters will appear in the mailbox representing the annual appeal to our generous genes for a donation.  These remind us of the flip side of the gift coin. 

Why is it important to give to others? Many people are less fortunate and need our help. Animal and environmental causes are worthy too. Education, the arts, and scientific research deserve our attention. Whatever your reason, we give because it feels good.

The happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

According to the Philanthropy Roundtable, 60% of American households participate in charitable giving. Should we assume that the other 40% do not want to be happy?  

Indulge us for a moment while we share some more statistics – we promise you’ll see the point. There are more than 1.54 million charitable organizations in the United States, so there must be at least one that would appeal to each American. The largest source of charitable giving is individual donors, who gave a whopping $326.87 billion in 2021.  The remaining 33% comes mostly from corporations and foundations.  (NP Trust)

According to industry researchers approximately 20% of all giving occurs in December.  That tells us that the end-of-year appeals found in your mailbox are effective – they’re catching you in a giving mood. They remind you that it’s Giving Season.  When you sit down with your family at the kitchen table to pore over the pile of pleas, you often pick the ones with the most compelling message.  

I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.

Maya Angelou

At NetGiver, we believe in generosity! The nonprofits we work with are grateful for the impact NetGiver makes for their organization.  For a nonprofit, regular giving throughout the year greatly benefits their cause. There are a number of reasons for that, including stability in their operating budget month after month. The good news is that 45% of people who give to charity are enrolled in monthly giving programs. Even better news? It’s becoming easier than ever to do so, with safe and secure online and mobile apps. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to be a cheerful and generous giver. How? Let’s talk about it a little more.  

Years ago, the most common forms of paying for anything, including giving to charity, were cash and checks. Back then, those were the primary monetary instruments of commerce. Today, people want a better way to track their donations and cash has fallen out of favor. Even people who have a checking account are less likely to use it for charitable giving – it’s too cumbersome. Have you printed out your monthly statement and balanced your bank account lately? Didn’t think so. Now, it’s easy and convenient to have one place online to manage your finances.  

You’ve heard of Zelle, Veem, Venmo, Paypal, CashApp and many others that are commonly used by individuals, companies and financial institutions to have a safe, secure and convenient way of sending and receiving money. Now you can use NetGiver to coordinate all of your charitable giving. It’s the most impactful way to give, especially as prices rise and your dollar buys less than it did last year. With Netgiver, there is no fee or percentage taken from your donation, so you feel secure that 100% of your gift flows through to the charity. 

NetGiver is a secure app that allows you to make a one-time donation during the Giving Season. Better yet, set up a regular monthly giving schedule for all your favorite nonprofits, all in one place, and they will thank you for that! Then, at tax time, your entire giving record is in one place, ready to download for your file.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? To learn more about Giving Season in your community and Liberate Your Soul like Maya said, visit us today at: https://www.netgiverapp.com/