Start With The Good News


Start With The Good News

Tax season tends to bring up endless nightmares of excel spreadsheets, boxes of receipts and obscure numbers and letters on tax forms. For those that do their taxes online, the confusion of navigating platforms and having to pull together all of the right information is headache enough. 

Despite the hassle of tax season, there is still a bright side. The charitable donations you made in 2022, which are already at work doing good, can do more good for you as well. Charitable donations are tax-deductible. Your generosity in 2022 can pay you back by lowering your tax bill this season. 

It Feels Good!

Maybe you participated in Giving Tuesday or one of the other great fundraising initiatives that happened during the last few weeks of the year. In all the flurry of activity, taking time to give to others in need adds to the joy of the season. Every month in our blog, we encourage people to give regularly, and science backs us up on that. According to Cleveland Clinic, when you do something “good” your brain recognizes it by releasing dopamine (known as the “feel-good” hormone). 

Your generosity makes you feel good and doubles the benefits and rewards from your giving. Local nonprofits need your help and when they see others in their community giving to show their support, they know how much you care. Do you talk with your friends about volunteering at a food shelf, or attending the children’s hospital gala? Is the little league your favorite or do you have a soft spot for cancer research? Even small acts of kindness go a long way to helping others who are struggling or suffering from adversity. Your generosity brings relief to them and gives them hope for a better future.

People love giving to others, and sharing good times feels good. When that sharing overflows into our community, it’s so easy to respond to that urge to give. Logging onto our platform is the best way to make a secure connection with nonprofits in your community and around the country. If you’ve used NetGiver before, you know how easy it is to give once or give regularly to your favorite charities. It’s safe and it’s free!

Giving Records – The Easy Way

We know that for some people claiming charitable giving deductions on their taxes feels like a hassle. The stress of finding all the receipts, let alone the receipts from philanthropic donations, can be too much for some. With NetGiver all of the records of your donations are stored in one place, allowing you to download them with a few clicks of a mouse. You can retrieve them at the end of the year and get a tax deduction – so easy!

What’s The Bad News?

The good news continues because we don’t have any bad news for you! You’re generous and spread those good feelings throughout the year! When you set up a monthly giving plan, you are doing good for the nonprofits you support. They benefit by having a regular cash flow into their monthly budget, which enables them to manage their finances on a more consistent basis. For nonprofit leaders, knowing they have a regular stream of income from donors helps them sustain their services and plan for good things to happen in the future!

To learn more about the NetGiver App and how easy it is to track your good giving history, visit us today at: