Give Freely to Your Favorite Nonprofit


Give Freely to Your Favorite Nonprofit

Giving to your favorite nonprofit on NetGiver will allow you to give with zero fee’s to you or the nonprofit.

Caring for our communities is important. There are so many impactful organizations doing good things in your community that you likely already support. Most of these organizations depend on your donations to fund vital programs to help support those in need.  Nonprofits are losing 18 billion dollars a year to fee’s associated with processing donations. NetGiver wants to ensure that your favorite nonprofit doesn't become a part of this statistic. We believe nonprofits should not have to lose any of their money to donation processing fee’s. We aim to help further the causes you love by making sure more of your money goes directly to the nonprofit. 

To do this we need your help. Inviting your favorite charity or charities you already support and care about will help us increase the impact your dollars can have in the community. Follow the steps below to invite your favorite nonprofit to receive your contributions fee-free via the NetGiver platform. 

NetGiver has a database of all 1.5 million nonprofits registered with the IRS to help make giving to the nonprofit of your choice easier than ever. This takes the stress of an overly burdensome registration off the nonprofit.

Step 1: Search NetGiver for the nonprofit organization of your choice. 

NetGiver has several features that make finding your favorite nonprofit simple. You can search for the nonprofit by name, location, category or by Tax ID (EIN).  With this secure giving platform nonprofits do not have to worry about donation processing fees.

Step 2: Add the nonprofit to your favorites list. 

It is important to note that some nonprofits may already be registered with NetGiver. Nonprofit organizations that are already fully registered with NetGiver will be marked with a green check mark on the right side of the search results. Adding the organizations that you give to frequently to your favorites list allows you to easily make regular donations without adding one more thing to your to do list.

Step 3: Send the charity an invitation. 

Once you have clicked on the profile of the 501 c 3 you want to give to you will see a profile for this charity. Below the profile description, you will find a button that prompts you to invite this charity to the NetGiver platform so they can receive your donation. 

Step 4: Give. 

Giving a donation via NetGiver prompts them to connect their account and fully register their profile on the app so they can receive your donation without fees. As you continue to give using NetGiver the charity will reap the benefits of having extra funds to put towards programs that really need it.